Wednesday, July 22, 2009

trip to marina barrage

learning journey marina barrage.
already the third time i go there.
first time with family members,
second time with 3 frens for project.
some boring pictures.

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Beautiful morning...

I woke up really late this morning...

And i happened to look up in the sky while having breakfast.

I realised the sky was kinda nice...

But after 5 minutes, it was gone.

Must have been brought away by the wind

to another place for others to enjoy it too.

I realised the beauty of nature...

So maybe it's time for us to do the part to save the environment,

don't you think?

Such sights will never be enjoyed by our future generations

if we don't protect mother earth.

Remember the double rainbow some time ago?

It is a rare sight. Though i couldn't really see the second rainbow...

However, if our world is badly polluted,

then how would we be able to see such sights?

I remember my geography teacher saying that the children of other countries

use the colour black or grey when they colour the picture of the sky.

Because they nvr saw a blue, clear sky before.

All our life, when we look up to the sky, we see the white clouds, the clear sky...

perhaps this are the little blessings that we recieve everyday...

but we don't seem to appreciate it

though it has been by our side... all this while.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

dumpling festival

Tmr, 28 of may, is dumpling festival!

A few days ago, my grandma and uncle came to my house to make dumplings.

I am sure many people also know how to do so too rite?

My grandma is one of those who can do it really well! (not that I am boasting…)

I also tried to learn a few good tactics of ‘bao-ing’ the ‘ba zhang’, but it isn’t as easy as you think!

Then you will say: “why not buy from outside? So convenient!”

However, it is the tons of effort being put in that makes it really tasty.

All together, my grandma made about 75 home-made dumplings.

Hey hey hey… I also did my share okay?

I made… tah dah dah dah… 2 dumplings!!!

Hahaha… okay, I know it’s pathetic.

But at least I tried!

Anyway, here are some pictures that me and my uncle took.

Enjoy the marvelous dumpling festival everyone!!!

Monday, April 27, 2009

Star Awards!!!

Ho ho ho... yesterday was probably
the biggest day of many mediacorp artistes.
The day when they are given awards!!!
I was so excited! Okay...
i know i'am using very basic english...
but this is not an english class okay???
So it started at 7pm.
Felicia Chin was wearing pink/red.
It looked like a suit.
But later... i dunno during when...
she changed into something else!!!
She wore a black who-knows-what,
but it was really cool.
According to my cousin...
my uncle said that FC looked like
she was going to the gym...
Argh... it's so insulting...>.<
Next time i see him...
i am so going to scold him. Hmph!!!
Back to the awards,
though felicia chin did not win
best actresss award thanks to
SOMEBODY... who wasn't even the
main leading lady role in any show at all...
jing xuan still got into the
ten most popular female artiste list.
Well... as expected. =)
but i am sure that all the felicians
out there are still very proud of her.
'cause in our hearts...
we already know who is the true ultimate winner...
So i hope that felicia chin jie-jie will not be disheartened
or disappointed that she did not win,
again thanks to SOMEBODY
whose acting skills can never match to hers.
But i just glad that the winner wasn't jeanette ow...
ewww...her face and acting skills
just makes me want to puke!?
But no matter what the circumstances,
never give up in life,
there's is always next year...
Felicia Chin... wo men yong yuan zhi chi ni!!!

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

e-learning day

9/04/09... e-learning day.
Some might wonder what is this???
Firstly, students dun have to go to school!!!
Which means that we can sleep more,
play more, eat more... =]
But! They have to do their own learning at home
via your computer to your school website.
First subjects we have for sec twos are
Music, Geography and Higher Chinese. (0900 - 1200)
Then we have a 1 hour break.
After that, we continue with Chemistry
and finish up with Mathematics. (1300 - 1500)
But later i got guzheng from 1330 to 1630.
S0 i dunno how i'm going to do the last two subjects...
So anyway...yep! This is what they call an "e-learning day"!

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

March holidays... whoaaa!!!

It's the march holidays guys!!!
Are you guys happy???
Actually i'm not really not happy...
So much hw... ^.^
I just sent my last homework to
my history teacher... hehe
A burden off my shoulders.
Man... later at one i have guzheng...
So sian... for the four hours in the guzheng room,
We would be playing the two same song
over and over again. *sigh*
Preparing for SYF... hoping to get gold with honours.
It was impossible at the start of the year,
but now with our abilities,
i'm 80% sure that we can do it!!!
NHHS Guzheng, jia you!!!

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Love Blossoms 2

Hey guys!!!
Did you people watch the last episode of
xin hua duo duo kai yesterday?!
Though they only had about
10 mins of felicia chin...
but the show was really awesome!!!
Haha... okay... i'm lame...
Oh ya... today our class had to do this
overseas hosting programme or sth...
boy it was terrible...
You can call me xenophobic,
but the students were from china
and i... let's just say that i didn't really like them.
Haha... but at the end of the day...
their company was... okay.
Yeah... but today's hosting was not counted.
Our class was ordered to help another class
because there was a total of 110+ students
and they couldn't handle it
so we had to help. *sigh*
And one more thing...
i can't wait for the new show-
i definitely dun have to tell you
the reason why right???

Thursday, January 22, 2009

CNY performance!!!

Haha... today was so fun!!!
We had our chinese new year celebration
so all the performing arts group had to preform.
So i had to perform for guzheng.
Okay... this wasn't the fun part.
Firstly we had to get changed,
and the red skirt we ahd to wear was like so long lah!
All the way to the floor u know!!!
We were literally sweeping the floor for the school cleaners.
So of course i had to fold my skirt
or i would have tripped and fall on the stage.
Which would be like so embarrasing
Then the next part was the make-up...horrible man!!
we all looked like ghost roaming around the school.
Very soon after the dunno when cross-talk or something
was performing,we had to go back-stage to carry the guzheng,
which was like so heavy.
During the performance i was kinda nervous
but i soon got used to it and actually had fun n enjoyed myself!
Unfortunately my friend sitting beside me
freaked out and was so nervous that she forgot how to play!
But overall the performance was still a "success"!!!
Though we were like robots in the stage,
moving backward and forward to the rhythm.
(kinda messy and not coordinated too.)
Immediately after bring the guzhengs back to the room,
i went back to the hall but by the time i reached there,
the celebration was almost over.
I only caught the part where the teachers and the choir
started singing the dunno what chinese new year song.
If i am not wrong, that's the part
where jaslyn comes in. But too many people,
so i couldn't spot her...... -_- grrr...
Anyway, i want to wish everyone a fulfilling 2009!!!
Happy new year to everybody, as well as felicia chin of course!

Monday, January 19, 2009

Irresponsible pet owner =(

Yesterday...i was walking back from school

at about 6 pm after gz practice.

As i walked through the few blocks

near the school which were on my way home,

i spotted a few indian boys shouting crazily at...


It was a cardboard box or somthing.

Anyway it was an old and worn-out brown box.

I was kinda curious so i leaned forward a little

to peek and have a look at what was inside.

Okay... i saw something very furry and black...

"ewww..." was the first thing that came to my mind.

A RAT!!! i thought.

Then i decided to lean out a little further to have a few view

of what was inside the box.

It didn't have a long tail like rats or mice have.

It was a box woth kittens inside!!!

One was entirely black,another entirely white,

and the other two a mixture of the two colours.

I wanted to scream!!!

I was thinking,"who the heck is that stupid person

who abandoned those kittens!?!?"

Those kittens were so tiny-not much bigger than your palm.

Eyes still not opened and that dunno who left them there.

(i mean...the mother cat wouldn't so so irresponsible to leave

her kittens in a CARDBOARD BOX??? And cats are not so silly.)

Obviously someone placed the kittens in that box...

(whoa... still give free box hah?)

and dumped it at the bottom of his flat.

I really wished i could bring the kittens home

(i always wanted a dog, but a cat is not bad either... =] )

but i know that someone in my home would be

nagging and screaming if i did so.

I know..i know... if you guys were there,

you would have called the SPCA right?

But sad to say, i am very poor... so i don't have a phone.

Have lah... but like olden days phone like that... a big heavy box.

But that's not the point.

I hope that lucky people out there who have a pet

would NEVER even consider abandoning your pet(s).

They deserve to have a tomorrow, just like every single one of us.

Don't deprive them of the future ahead of them.

(oh... btw, this afternoon i went back to the same spot

where the box was. It wasn't there anymore.

So i guess some kind-hearted soul must have

called the SPCA or something...)

Just glad that they are safe somwhere. ^^


If they were still there...

i definitely would have brought them home with me today! =)