Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Love Blossoms 2

Hey guys!!!
Did you people watch the last episode of
xin hua duo duo kai yesterday?!
Though they only had about
10 mins of felicia chin...
but the show was really awesome!!!
Haha... okay... i'm lame...
Oh ya... today our class had to do this
overseas hosting programme or sth...
boy it was terrible...
You can call me xenophobic,
but the students were from china
and i... let's just say that i didn't really like them.
Haha... but at the end of the day...
their company was... okay.
Yeah... but today's hosting was not counted.
Our class was ordered to help another class
because there was a total of 110+ students
and they couldn't handle it
so we had to help. *sigh*
And one more thing...
i can't wait for the new show-
i definitely dun have to tell you
the reason why right???