Thursday, October 16, 2008


Today we got back most of our results

it was not terrible and not good as well...hehehe...

but it was so much fun!!!

Waiting in the school hall for our reults.

Actually i dunno y the make such a weird arrangement,

every sec one student was in the hall goin' through their own papers.

And remember i told you that i didn't know waht to draw for my art???

Hahaha... i did v.badly for the test...heh heh

but i wasn't shocked at all!!! Coz my art has always been bad...=.=

i v.scared leh... if i fail more than three subjects...

i get kicked out of the school lol!!!

Lucky i pass my english... Phew... or else i would be a sec one student again next year...

oh yeah!!! And my E. lit!!! I thot tt i would do badly or even fail...

but in the end i still passed!!!

Now i at home got nothing to do... so bored...

My brother got exam,so i stuck at home.

Anyway i also got nothing to do... now no felicia chin show...

So sian!?!?!? i wish i could spend more time w my gang at school.

Or hv a pet dog!!! I always wanted a dog...

just one small little furry one to cuddle when i am lonely at home...

actually i not v.lonely lah... now my parents busy taking leave to teach my brother.

This year v.important year... so he must give it all he got!!!All the best to him!!!

Ehhh???i also need luck...tmr i getting my maths and science papers...

i tink i am going to fail or do badly... but i already gave it my best...

i feel v.stressed lol. Because maths and science are the only two subjects

my parents can help me with. The rest mostly self-study...

But this proves tt i am independent!!! yeah...i am a big girl now...

No more baby stuff...except a few like maybe pokemon, you know.

Now i hv all the time i want to think of jing xuan jie-jie. Yeah-me!!!

Okay i need all the luck i can get for tmr...

i must get gd results!!! i just must and i hv to!!!

You guys too k??? Believe in yourself...believe tt you can do it!!!

(though i am a big worrier...i need some lurrve... )

okay gd luck to both me and you...

And those 6A people out there,can't wait to see you guys at the chalet...


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