Saturday, March 29, 2008

My wonderful dream...

i dreamt that...
dreamt that...
dreamt that...
when i went shopping and...
i saw this "The Golden Path" DVD...
ON SALE!!! !!! !!! !!!
I was sooo happy!?!?
But when i was heading home
to watch it... ...
i woke up...
Wahhh!!! !!!
But never mind,
maybe it's a signal that
i'm receiving it SOON!!!
I still remember
the price of it in my dream...
something like...
$29.90??? ???

Friday, March 28, 2008

Health Check

Today was supposed to be...
our health check!!!
But you know what was the outcome?
We managed to miss it!!!
Because other classes cut our queue.
Hah Hah!!!
Safe until monday...
Had a great day with Jing Yee.
Coz we spent the whole day teasing Ah Gong!
Okay... today's entry very short hor???
Coz me very busy...
Must spend more time thinking about...
Felicia Chin!!! !!!
Oh yeah...
today there was this newspaper
with Rui En's picture...
and guess what???
I drew and vandalised her face!
Felt so happy after doing so...

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

My little doggy...

Hee...Hee...Hee... Here's my little doggy... Say "hi!!!" Adorable??? Baby Gold(that's what i call him...) sitting on my stool. Okay,enough of dogs...
Oh yeah, today got sports meet!!! It was held in NUS High School. Weird hor??? Got our own field...use other people's one... So pai-seh.
Did i participate??? Nah... but i did go there for a while,after my guzheng CCA. Aiyohhh... the word "guzheng" make me want to faint only... So difficult to play!!! !!! Piano already so "xian" lor...
Coming back to the sports meet,ohhh...,i saw my ex-classmate,Zuo Wei. Still the same chubby look .... Before that,i got to see my classmates,Eating(Yi Ting) and Xuan Lin running. They ran so fast!!!
And i saw Ah-gong(Yen Shen) as well ... He is one of the contestant,he wasn't running at that point of time. Okay...time to go. Oh yeah... one more thing...don't forget to support and pray for Felicia Chin!!! And drink Vitagen...NOT Yakult !!!

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Felicia Chin...

Don't u think that Felicia Chin is just simply too beautiful??? Beautiful eyes... silky hair... everything about her is just so perfect!!! !!! When i'm stressed out...just one look at her pictures...i feel so... soo... sooo... much better!!! That's why all of u must support her!!!

Oh yeah...just remembered... Now every weekday,got "tong xin yuan"(Potrait Of Home)! Everybody must watch hor??? Especially great fans of Felicia Chin!!! She looks so adorable in the show!!!

In last week's "8 days" magazine,Felicia was striking a pose with her car... so adorable!!! Her Mitsubishi Colt Plus is such a coooool-looking car. The colour, baby blue,fits her car so excellently!
Okay...remember to catch 'tong xin yuan",every monday to friday,5.30pm... only on channel 8.... And don't forget to get your copy of "The Golden Path" DVD!!! (where... eh... no idea leh... lol!) Enjoy "vitagen less sugar",the healthier choice!!! Vitagen Collagen...anyone??? ???

Monday, March 24, 2008

Day at AMK Hub...

Okay...want to know what happened yesterday??? Here goes...
Well,again...i went to the 'Minitoons' stall.
Aiyohhh...come to think of it...
I saw this tweety(again...)and sylvester plush toy!!!
Then in the shop,i shouted,"so cute!??"
It was then did i realise that i said it out loud!
Quite a number of people stared curiosly at me...
i quickly ran to a corner of the shop!
I bet IF there was a little kid there,
he/she would be thinking...
"What's this jie-jie doing???"
So pai-seh and embarrassing...
Silly Me... ...
Next,the lego exhibition.
my di-di took pictures with a car,
made of lego bricks(of course hor???)
He so funny lor...
say he dun want to buy car(coz got discount)
then later when we drove off...
he suddenly say he want to buy...
All of you should have seen his face!
(Please dun make fun hor???)
Now...the search of
The Golden Path
DVD !!! ??? !!! Successful ???
Need to say or not?
If yes...
i would definately mentioned abt it first lor!
Search here...searh there...
just can't find leh!
Anyway,when i reached home,
i immediately started on...
my 'Felicia Chin' Project!!!
I collect pictures of her(u know who...)
and put them all in a folder.
Believe it or not...
i everyday read lol!!!
Okay... bye bye!!!
And please please please please...
if u see 'The Golden path' DVD... please inform me!!!

Saturday, March 22, 2008


Wahhh!!! !!!
Need to go tuition very soon... ....
Seriously...who likes going tuition???
Who "invented" this tuition thingy?
Okay,got to go,so sad!
Get bag...hop into car...ZOOM!!! !!!

Felicia Chin rocks my life!

Yo! "Can't wait for tomorrow"... Really hope i can find "The Golden Path" DVD... Would really brighten up my day!!! Aiyohhh... going to be monday soon... so sad rite??? Wish there was Good Monday...Good Tuesday...Good Wednesday...Good Thursday lor,right everybody? More time to think of Felicia Chin... go shopping,and...SLEEP!!! !!! Eh??? That would hv to wait. I next week got test!!! OMG!?!?!? Better start studying...or else sure get 'KNS' results. Okay...gulp,wish me luck...goodnight!!! Hope i dream of Felicia Chin!!! !!! Remember to support Felicia Chin ,and not the other "six princesses"... three cheers for Felicia Chin... hip hip hooray!!! hip hip hooray!!! HIP HIP HORRAY!!! !!! !!! !!! Go jing xuan jie-jie!!!!!! Felicia Chin jie-jie...we're all behind supporting you! Yawn... ZZZ...ZZZ...ZZZ...

Friday, March 21, 2008

IMM and AMK Hub???

Hi everybody!!! How was yesterday's 'good friday'??? Mine... ... okay lor... went to IMM. Actually,got nothing to do one lah... just hang around,go shopping... that's all. Oh yeah... i saw a damn cute tweety bird soft toy outside a shop(4got what's the name...Minitoons?) Wow... so adorable!!! !!! !!! !!! And i saw a little Piplup and Pikachu soft toy,but no Torchic. So i never spend money lol!!! Saving up to buy "huang jin lu" DVD... everybody,must support The Golden Path and Felicia Chin,okay??? Tomorrow going AMK Hub... my brother want to see the dunno what exhibition lor... so bad... last time want to go AMK Hub to see Felicia Chin,cannot... now this silly exhibition...they allow... too bad lah!!! !!! Younger always go first,wish i had an elder sibling...maybe Felicia Chin can be my jie-jie??? ???