Saturday, March 22, 2008

Felicia Chin rocks my life!

Yo! "Can't wait for tomorrow"... Really hope i can find "The Golden Path" DVD... Would really brighten up my day!!! Aiyohhh... going to be monday soon... so sad rite??? Wish there was Good Monday...Good Tuesday...Good Wednesday...Good Thursday lor,right everybody? More time to think of Felicia Chin... go shopping,and...SLEEP!!! !!! Eh??? That would hv to wait. I next week got test!!! OMG!?!?!? Better start studying...or else sure get 'KNS' results. Okay...gulp,wish me luck...goodnight!!! Hope i dream of Felicia Chin!!! !!! Remember to support Felicia Chin ,and not the other "six princesses"... three cheers for Felicia Chin... hip hip hooray!!! hip hip hooray!!! HIP HIP HORRAY!!! !!! !!! !!! Go jing xuan jie-jie!!!!!! Felicia Chin jie-jie...we're all behind supporting you! Yawn... ZZZ...ZZZ...ZZZ...

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