Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Mr Fighting

Hi people!!!

Haven't been blogging for

a long time...

these few days i have been

busy watching "Mr Fighting"

It's a cool show!!!

So since it's the school holidays

i decided to have some fun!

School holidays so shiok!

Everyday dun need to

wake up early...go to school

but very boring also lah...

nothing to do...cannot go out...

stuck at home...lots of homework!

Nooo!!! !!!Anyway...

everybody having fun rite?

So no worries...

Did you guys read

in the newspapers that

jing xuan jie-jie

sold her $17,000 watch

for only $4,000?

Wow...she did it just for

the people in need...

Applause... know why

i enjoy watching Mr Fighting

so much??? ???

Cos Liu Ping Yan

,Esther Liu,

acts in the show...

Don't ask me whether i prefer

Felicia Chin or Esther Liu...

it's very obvious...

but the difference is really

very small...

so remember to catch

Mr Fighting, Ge Dou Tian Wang!

Monday, May 19, 2008

A fantastic day out...

Today my brother went

to attend his friend's

birthday party...

so me and my parents

headed off the AMK Hub!!!

What a peaceful day it was!

And guess what!?!?

I found a shop tt sold the

huang jin lu DVD!!!

But unfortunately...

no stock... -.-

at least i found the shop

where they sell it !!!

And it shows how much ppl

love huang jin lu!!!


Okay...time to go...


Monday, May 12, 2008

Fun day at school...

Hi people!!!Today was a great day!!!

Especially during PE lesson!!!

ha ha ha...

we were given a choice on wat

we want to me and my gang

decided to play volleyball!!! XD

Volleyball's real fun!!!

I played with Krisminnie...

another gang decided to join us!

but not the wholengang played...X(

So we ended up with like 5 people

playing volleyball!!! Ha Ha...

but this volleyball is no

ordinary volleyball that everybody

plays,which's supposed to be

in an orderly manner...

More like the volleyball that

our famous 6A 2007 in fairfield

plays as a class!!! @ !!!

Anybody that comes from

our class should know wat

i'm talking about...coz 6A rox!!!

rite people??? hee...hee...

And so 1/11 was standing

out in the hot sun...

monkeying around...

my arms are totally red

even until now but not as bad,

it hurts...a little...=(

but!!! the "little felicia" and "Felicia Chin"

spirit is still standing up right!!!

You can count on that!

Dun forget the 6A spirit that

hold in our hearts wherever we go k???

And the "jing xuan jie-jie" spirit

maybe only for me... -_-

hah hah... bye bye!!! =)

Friday, May 9, 2008

little felicia power...

Today...those people

who failed their 2.4

had to re-run.

(of course i passed,

though not with flying

colours...-_- )

so i decided to run

w Krisminnie!

(her name's actually


hah hah...

Yep...and so tt's

how it all started!

And guess wat...

she passed!!!

From 20 mins plus

to 16 mins plus!!!



wat a great improvement

rite people???

i must be her lucky star!!!

i can be everybody's

lucky star if you want!!!



Lucky star...

watching over you!!!

Hah Hah...

okay...time to go...

oh yes...and one more thing

if jaslyn tells you

or posts on her blog

tt i like someone...

dun trust her okay???



lucky star

little felicia

signing off...

Thursday, May 8, 2008

me angry...-_-lll

i tell you guys...
today...this jing yee...
said to "lumpy" that...
i like...grrr...
never mind...
(thinking of
jing xuan jie-jie)
Ahhh... much better!
Anyway wateva it was,
i hv decided 2 4get
abt today's incident.
Jing Yee go say that
i lyk Ah-Gong!!!
She's kind of quiet in class.
Didn't expect her to
splutter such "rubbish"!
How can i ever like Ah-Gong???
I mean...he's "popular" in class
and sits beside me,
but...i dun like him!!! !!!
i feel so much better after
writing this entry...
Phew...-_-me happi now!!!
Wheee!!! !!!Hah hah...
okay...need to go!!! know...
(everything to do w
Felicia Chin jie-jie...)
Oh yeah,must get this week's
"iweekly" magazine,k???
Ang huang jin lu DVD...

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

NAPFA Test...

Yesterday was our


I tell you ah...

i am sooo depressed!

Because i did lyk

so badly!!! !!!

I got one pathetic

B !!!

Wah!!! !!!

My shuttle-run sux!!!


But who cares???

Ha Ha...

I am alrite now...


just have to get over

with's life...

Anyway...those out there

who's NAPFA Test's

not over yet...

make sure you train...

or you'll be just lyk me...

regretting till beyond


But remember,

no matter wat happens

think of Felicia Chin

and all your worries

will vanish!!!

It's a guarantee!!!

Ha ha...
