Monday, May 12, 2008

Fun day at school...

Hi people!!!Today was a great day!!!

Especially during PE lesson!!!

ha ha ha...

we were given a choice on wat

we want to me and my gang

decided to play volleyball!!! XD

Volleyball's real fun!!!

I played with Krisminnie...

another gang decided to join us!

but not the wholengang played...X(

So we ended up with like 5 people

playing volleyball!!! Ha Ha...

but this volleyball is no

ordinary volleyball that everybody

plays,which's supposed to be

in an orderly manner...

More like the volleyball that

our famous 6A 2007 in fairfield

plays as a class!!! @ !!!

Anybody that comes from

our class should know wat

i'm talking about...coz 6A rox!!!

rite people??? hee...hee...

And so 1/11 was standing

out in the hot sun...

monkeying around...

my arms are totally red

even until now but not as bad,

it hurts...a little...=(

but!!! the "little felicia" and "Felicia Chin"

spirit is still standing up right!!!

You can count on that!

Dun forget the 6A spirit that

hold in our hearts wherever we go k???

And the "jing xuan jie-jie" spirit

maybe only for me... -_-

hah hah... bye bye!!! =)

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