Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Mr Fighting

Hi people!!!

Haven't been blogging for

a long time...

these few days i have been

busy watching "Mr Fighting"

It's a cool show!!!

So since it's the school holidays

i decided to have some fun!

School holidays so shiok!

Everyday dun need to

wake up early...go to school

but very boring also lah...

nothing to do...cannot go out...

stuck at home...lots of homework!

Nooo!!! !!!Anyway...

everybody having fun rite?

So no worries...

Did you guys read

in the newspapers that

jing xuan jie-jie

sold her $17,000 watch

for only $4,000?

Wow...she did it just for

the people in need...

Applause... know why

i enjoy watching Mr Fighting

so much??? ???

Cos Liu Ping Yan

,Esther Liu,

acts in the show...

Don't ask me whether i prefer

Felicia Chin or Esther Liu...

it's very obvious...

but the difference is really

very small...

so remember to catch

Mr Fighting, Ge Dou Tian Wang!

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