Wednesday, June 4, 2008


I bored...
oh sry...hi people!!!
Long time never blog already.
These few days nothing to do...
still busy finding the DVD...
hee hee...
i feel very sad lol...
Now evening got
this show "Love Blossoms" rite?
I cannot watch leh...
my parents say cannot!
And i tell you ah...sigh...
got one person(dun say who...hee...)
one evening call my house and say,
"yan yi! On the tv!!!
Got your idol Felicia Chin!!!"
Aiyoh...treat me like an idiot...
Nevermind...-_- so sad and bustered...
so to cheer myself up...
i read ******* **** magazines ...
see ******* **** pictures ...
think about ******* **** ...
and play pokemon!!!
Haha!!! Oh yes...
if you guys can watch tv...
watch "xin hua duo duo kai" k?
(Felicia is "Tao Hai Tong" in the show)
Very Adorable...not cute...
Support jing xuan jie-jie!!! Whoaaa!!!

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