Friday, October 17, 2008

Good education not neccessarily brings you success in life!

Yipee!!! All our results are released!

Actually i'm not very happy but the results are still okay!

"you reap wad you sow"!?!?! yeah!!!

Now tt the results are out...i feel sooo much better!!!

But i only got a few A1s,unlike one of my gals,

she got straight A1s!!! maybe except for her home econs!!!

I tink even if i study until 1pm,i still cannot get wad she achieved!!!

and yet she is still not satisfied...aiyoh...

Hehehe...because i am just not made to study...

i really admire jing xuan jie-jie...she managed to get 8 distinctions for her O levels!!!

Wow...i dun even tink about achieving tt!!! It's like so hard!!! Hahaha...=)

but i seriously tink tt education does not mean tt you would achieve success in life!!!

Okay...though felicia chin jie-jie did do well academically...but when she gave showbiz a try,she became so much more successful in life...

As well as more famous than some crazy university graduates with PHDs(permaneant head damage)heh heh heh...

So from the above,i am 100% sure and can prove tt education might not bring you success in life!


theSTRANGER said...

how are youuuuuuuu?
see you in teh chalet ;D
All the best, yo!

Jing Yee said...

Erm... tell that to the governemnt, and de teachers and the principals and all the ppl hu disagree...



theSTRANGER said...

oops, sorry.
And good education may not necessarily bring you good education if you excel in all the other aspects, like sports or music. anyway, see you in the chalet =D

Oh and i would only stay for a short while. heh, darnit tuition.
