Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Labour Day

Ha Ha...

tomorrow is

Labour Day!!!

Everybody happy

only right???


One day of holiday...

So happy!!!

More time to smile...

more time to laugh...

more time to sing(joking...)

and most importantly...

more time to think of...

Jing Xuan jie-jie!!!

Okay...this is the

standard answer...

i noe...i noe...

Oh yeah...

tell you something.

This jaslyn keeps

bothering me abt


She got

nothing else to

do like tt...

She lor...keep asking

me wat my timing

for our stupid 2.4 ...

P.S. actually we made

a "deal" she tell

me hers and i tell her mine...

i never tell her...

but she told me hers...

but i better not post it...

or she would kill me...

if you really want to leave a

comment and i may

change my mind...

and post it publicly!!!

Hah hah...oh no... ...

once jaslyn sees this

post...she'll kill me on

Okay...time to think of

Felicia Chin jie-jie...

standard answer again...

bye-bye folks...

always supporting

Chen Jing Xuan!!!

Hip Hip Horray!!!

Friday, April 25, 2008

Little coca cola can...

Hi everybody!!!
On friday... we had art.
And we were expected to bring
a can drink...(empty lah...)
As usual...i forget...
so this boy called ah gong
gave me this cute little
coca cola can... small...
Thanks ah gong!!!
Oh yeah...
and jing yee brought this
"whatever" can drink,
and she gave it to me!
Of had something
in it okay!?!Ice lemon tea!!!
Drinking ice lemon tea
reminds me of my primary
remember drinking
ice lemon tea with my gang...
such happy joyful days with
my two other gang members.
So happy...but the sad thing is tt
until now...i still haven't found my
huang jin lu DVD!!!
NO!!! !!!
So depressed
but as long as i keep
jing xuan jie-jie
on my mind...
NOTHING stands
in little felicia's way!!!
YES!!! !!!
huang jin lu DVD...
here i come!!!

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Silly joke...=)

Hi everybody!!!

Long time no blog!

Yeah...these few days

very busy lah...

Oh...i tell you a joke tt

my daddy told me yesterday.

He was teaching my bro

chinese oral...and said,

"the pronounciation of

han yu pin yin is very


Joke coming up next...

He said tt an ang mo ren

went to a noodle stall,

and asked,

"shui jiao yi wan

duo shao qian???"

(How much does

a plate of wan ton cost?)

And next,the woman

slapped him on the face!

Wonder why???

Coz the ang mo never

pronounce properly...

she heard it as,

"shui jiao yi wan

duo shao qian???"

(How much does it cost

to sleep w you for one night?)


okay...maybe it's

a lame joke... =)

Tuesday, April 15, 2008


Today,our teacher,
Ms Fu,conducted
a lottery...
but lucky
i never "zhong" lah...
coz the two ppl
who were chosen
had to do pole dance!!!
So pai-seh...
i thot tt she will
give some prizes...
but anyway...
we didn't hv
any homework for that day!!!
More time to think of
Felicia Chin!!! Yay!!!
And next...the joke of the day.
Whenever i go home,
i walk past a bus-stop...
today,i saw Ah-gong there.
(My maid was also there...)
He showed me something
on his Tablet PC.
Then i headed home...
Soon after,my maid
came back w my brother.
She told me tt Ah-gong,
when boarding the bus,
as the bus was crowded,
had to stand on the steps
of the bus.And when the
doors of the bus closed...
he's bag got "jammed"
in between the two doors!
Haha...but he lucky
his Tablet PC wasn't in his bag!
Couldn't imagine what
would be the look on his face!!!
Oh yeah... i sent him an email
abt it... =)

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Day at my nanny's house...

Today,i went 2 my nanny's house.
She took care of me when i was little,
2 me...she's like a second mommy 2 me!
Me treat her daughters as my jie-jie...
but of course...Felicia Chin is still my
Oh yeah,my uncle!!!
He's such a kind person...
Seeing them reminds me
of my lovely childhood...
being a kid really is
the most relaxing moment
of your life,rite ppl???
Reaching the doorstep,
we received a warm greeting
from them!?!
And the best thing was...
even though i was
coughing pretty badly 4 a few days...
i stiil got to drink coke,
with 6 ice!!! Heehee...
Me love my nanny... =)

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Me a sotong...

Me today very blur...
go to school forget
to bring my tie!
So coz my school
very near my house...
i decided to run back
and grab my tie!!!
i reached home!
Then i realized...
i forgot my keys!!!
So i was like
standing out there...
shaking the gate!!!
So xian...
Nobody answer...
Then the uncle next door
came to my rescue!!!
(thank you so much,uncle!)
He helped me call her
by going to the back of the house.
Then my maid,Elis,
came running w my tie.
Then...i began
And finally i reached school!!!
lucky me not late...
or else sure get kena one...
me am a real silly sotong,rite???

Monday, April 7, 2008

Tweety and Slyvester

Today got KC @ the movies:
Tweety's High Flying Adventures
(one and a half hour show)...
around the world in 80 days.
And getting footprints of 80 cats!
Dun you think that Tweety Bird
is simply just so adorable???
Me also love baby Slyvester!!!
Hope that me have enough
money to buy the soft toy!?
Talking about spending money...
i still haven't get
the 'huang jin lu' DVD you know !?!?!?
Everybody must support
'The Golden Path' and of course...
you can guess...jing xuan jie-jie!!!
"Felicia Chin...
is the light of my life!!!"
Bye Bye!!!

Saturday, April 5, 2008

Pokemon Diamond and Pearl

Hi everybody!!!
Did everybody catch
yesterday's Pokemon
Diamond and Pearl!?
It was from 10am to 1030...
so in order to catch it...
i decided to stop attending
music claases!!!
Of course,
that's just one of the excuses
for quiting music...
Me got no time lol!
In the show,
the piplup was so cute!!!
So was the naughty
little chimchar.
Okay... time to go.
Me want to view
jin xuan jie-jie's
blog now...
Bye Bye to all !!!
Little felicia...
signing off...

Friday, April 4, 2008

"Z ... Z ... Z ..." during history lesson

Yesterday,during history lesson
I felt sleepy,so i put my head
on the table lor.
But not because the
the lesson's boring!!!
Ms Tan's a GREAT teacher...
but i felt sleepy for no gd reason.
Not because i was
thinking abt Felicia Chin hor!!!
Just worn out... ...
Maybe plain lazy???
Then Ms Tan approached me
and said,
"YY...Why do you you look so sad?"
"Sleepy lah.."
Then for an unknown reason...
she said to me,
"she's usually so hyperactive,
especially during recess...
she would be like a bullet,
shooting from one end to the other!"
Thanks Ms Tan...
You really brighten up my day!
Didn't know that
you knew little felicia so well...
History lessons aren't
as bad as you think lol!!!

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

So angry...

last few days very busy
and very angry!!!
because the school wanted us
to pass them the PC for 1 day
and when we received it back...
everything that we downloaded was
Worst of all...
All my Felicia Chin pictures
Me so angry lor...
But never mind lah...
Thinking of jing xuan jie-jie...
makes me feel
just so... ...
Great!!! !!!