Sunday, April 13, 2008

Day at my nanny's house...

Today,i went 2 my nanny's house.
She took care of me when i was little,
2 me...she's like a second mommy 2 me!
Me treat her daughters as my jie-jie...
but of course...Felicia Chin is still my
Oh yeah,my uncle!!!
He's such a kind person...
Seeing them reminds me
of my lovely childhood...
being a kid really is
the most relaxing moment
of your life,rite ppl???
Reaching the doorstep,
we received a warm greeting
from them!?!
And the best thing was...
even though i was
coughing pretty badly 4 a few days...
i stiil got to drink coke,
with 6 ice!!! Heehee...
Me love my nanny... =)

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