Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Silly joke...=)

Hi everybody!!!

Long time no blog!

Yeah...these few days

very busy lah...

Oh...i tell you a joke tt

my daddy told me yesterday.

He was teaching my bro

chinese oral...and said,

"the pronounciation of

han yu pin yin is very


Joke coming up next...

He said tt an ang mo ren

went to a noodle stall,

and asked,

"shui jiao yi wan

duo shao qian???"

(How much does

a plate of wan ton cost?)

And next,the woman

slapped him on the face!

Wonder why???

Coz the ang mo never

pronounce properly...

she heard it as,

"shui jiao yi wan

duo shao qian???"

(How much does it cost

to sleep w you for one night?)


okay...maybe it's

a lame joke... =)

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