Friday, April 4, 2008

"Z ... Z ... Z ..." during history lesson

Yesterday,during history lesson
I felt sleepy,so i put my head
on the table lor.
But not because the
the lesson's boring!!!
Ms Tan's a GREAT teacher...
but i felt sleepy for no gd reason.
Not because i was
thinking abt Felicia Chin hor!!!
Just worn out... ...
Maybe plain lazy???
Then Ms Tan approached me
and said,
"YY...Why do you you look so sad?"
"Sleepy lah.."
Then for an unknown reason...
she said to me,
"she's usually so hyperactive,
especially during recess...
she would be like a bullet,
shooting from one end to the other!"
Thanks Ms Tan...
You really brighten up my day!
Didn't know that
you knew little felicia so well...
History lessons aren't
as bad as you think lol!!!

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