Tuesday, April 15, 2008


Today,our teacher,
Ms Fu,conducted
a lottery...
but lucky
i never "zhong" lah...
coz the two ppl
who were chosen
had to do pole dance!!!
So pai-seh...
i thot tt she will
give some prizes...
but anyway...
we didn't hv
any homework for that day!!!
More time to think of
Felicia Chin!!! Yay!!!
And next...the joke of the day.
Whenever i go home,
i walk past a bus-stop...
today,i saw Ah-gong there.
(My maid was also there...)
He showed me something
on his Tablet PC.
Then i headed home...
Soon after,my maid
came back w my brother.
She told me tt Ah-gong,
when boarding the bus,
as the bus was crowded,
had to stand on the steps
of the bus.And when the
doors of the bus closed...
he's bag got "jammed"
in between the two doors!
Haha...but he lucky
his Tablet PC wasn't in his bag!
Couldn't imagine what
would be the look on his face!!!
Oh yeah... i sent him an email
abt it... =)

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